oh, how God is faithful!

It's the Monday (now Tuesday, I didn't get this posted on time, lol) after a fantastic weekend of worshipping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Can I get an Amen!?!

I had the awesome privilege to attend Living Proof Live in Little Rock on Friday night and Saturday morning. This is the 4th Christian women's event that I have participated in and each and every time God just shows up, shows out and moves my small self in such a tremendous way; no words can describe that feeling I feel as I let go of all insecurity and lift my hands in praise to the One and Only Living God!

I get so overwhelmed by His presence during these events. I tremble. Literally shake to the core, because He is so real there. So tangible. I just love my Lord y'all! And I am in awe of His power and His mercy for me, a wretched sinner.

LPL was followed by an equally amazing Sunday service at our church. Our small congregation was so moved by the filling of the Holy Spirit in our sanctuary, that before we were even finished with our song-singing and special music, folks were kneeling at the altar in prayer to the King! Wow!

As I reflect on the weekend I just pray that the changes I felt the Lord leading me to make will stick this time. That I won't leave what I gleaned this weekend behind. I want a change in my life so that I can shine brighter for God; I want my husband and children to notice Him working in my life on behalf of our family and I want to glorify God in all that I say and do. God has placed the ball in my court; it is my choice to follow through each and every day and put Him first, seek Him, dialogue with Him, trust Him, be faithful to Him.

If you seek Him, He will be found by you...
1 Chronicles 28:9 NIV

Because He has been faithful to me. Oh, how God has been faithful to me!

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100:5


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