Summertime Joy

Flip Flops
 Brightly Painted Toe-Nails
 Swim Suits
Burgers & Hot Dogs
 Coconut Lotion

The first day of summer is not scheduled until June 21st this year, but I'm here to tell you that summer has already begun for us! And I absolutely LOVE summer! Now, I could do without the sweat and sunburns, but I love all of the other good stuff that comes with this season of the year! The above list is just a few of my favorite things! :)

We cleaned up the backyard (for the most part) so that the kids can go out and play. We set up their little kiddie-pool and water table, cleaned and refilled the sandbox. I love to sit out there and watch them play, grill some burgers and dogs, soak up some sun. Ah, so relaxing.

I wish that I could do that every single day. But reality is, I can't. Real Life still goes on, as well as dishes, laundry, paperwork, etc, etc, etc. I struggle with trying to get everything done, all the time and now, I have come to see that in all my rushing, I have lost the enjoyment of relaxation. I lose my joy...


So I am setting new goals. Goals that will enable me to be joyful and have some semblance of organization.(or atleast I am hoping!!)
I have come to the conclusion, as I mentioned in an earlier post, that this must begin with Elohim first thing every single day! And during or after my time with Him, I must get my blood pumping with some good exercise.
I came across the website Inspired To Action and have begun Maximize Your Mornings to help me out in this department!

I feel that God led me to this information and that somewhere on this new journey I will glean something profound. We serve such a wonderful Redeemer! He is so creative in the ways that He draws us to Him. He knows us so completely and I am grateful that He does, because lately I don't think I know myself very well at all. But that's probably because all along I have been searching for who I am when the answer, the key, is in searching for Him!!

You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
—Psalm 16:11

These things I have spoken to you,
that my joy may be in you,
and that your joy may be full.

—John 15:11

True Joy can only be found in
Jesus Christ!


  1. Hi Victoria. I've been missing you. I love reading your posts. I know what you mean about in the business of life you suddenly realize that your joy is gone and you don't know how to relax. I also agree with you that the only way to find that again is seeking Him, the one who knows us better than anyone else out there. I hope this weekend your heart starts to fill with inner peace and by the start of next week you're on a roll.
    God bless


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