Highlights of Nehemiah Chapter 1

(The following post was written a couple of weeks ago before we moved and lost internet connection. I had planned to review the entire first half of Nehemiah, but for now, here is Chapter 1. I am praying to post again this evening, what I am thinking will be a hodge-podge of information from Nehemiah and also from the Bible study 'Brave' that I have been doing with Women's Bible Study Cafe. Please pray for my next post and enjoy this short (but sweet) one! :)

I've been reading in Nehemiah on and off for a while now...and I'm just going to tell you, this book, in my past, never would have intrigued me the way it does right now!

I feel like I am in a "re-building" season in so many ways: my relationship with the Lord, my marriage, at our church, moving, my husband had to rebuild his truck motor, and other important relationships...
In so many ways, we are changing, re-building, and we run into obstacles almost every step of the way!

So without further ado...

I would like to include an excerpt from The Bible Study Page that I found very compelling before I get started into my little tid-bit of notes:

"Specifically, the book shows how the broken down walls of Jerusalem and the failing faith of the Jews were restored, through the competent leadership of Nehemiah and through the host of Jewish brethren who responded to the divine challenge to rise and build."

That just really caught my attention:
Broken Walls & Failing Faith
Competent Leadership & Brethren Who Respond, Rise & Build

Now then, my notes:

Nehemiah's prayer to God; I love how he begins with praising God for Who He is! And then works into confession, not just for himself, but for the people of Israel.
In verse 8, Nehemiah prays back God's own promise to Him; that is one of my favorite ways to pray-pray God's promises. I believe He wants us to do this so that He knows that we have been listening to Him and to me, if I pray it back to Him, it helps to confirm it in my own heart, helping me to trust and believe that much more. 
And I love verse 11:

"O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant
and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name.
Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man."

And that concludes my notes on Nehemiah Chapter 1. Short & Sweet :)


  1. Hi Victoria - I also am reading the Old testament a whole lot differently than I used to. Its a treasure trove. Your post has made me curious to go and read Nehemiah!
    God bless

  2. I also very like Neemias.
    I have just read the old testament last week and as i learned!
    The book of Nehemiah is one of my favorites. We learn as much as we relate with God, is not Really?
    It was very good read this message and see your blog.
    May the Lord bless you and keep you!

  3. Nehemiah is a great book. There is never enough time to learn everything we need to learn. I'll be reading the Bible over and over, again, until.... Blessings!


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