Quick & Easy (Almost Any Flavor) Pie

I haven't posted a recipe to my blog before, so this is a first! But I am very excited to share this recipe with you---especially for you busy, on a budget families, like mine!

Quick & Easy (Almost Any Flavor) Pie!

1 Ready Made Crust---I used Shortbread
1- 3oz pkg of Jello, Flavor of your choice---I used store brand Strawberry
1/4 cup water
1- 8oz tub of Cool Whip (I recommend Fat Free)

Bring the water to a boil; Quickly mix the gelatin powder thoroughly in the water until dissolved
In a medium bowl, mix gelatin liquid with Cool Whip completely.
Pour into pie crust, cover, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
Garnish with fresh fruit before serving.

I literally spent maybe $4 on this pie: $0.88 Cool Whip, $1.89 Pie Crust, $0.39 Jello Mix! The strawberries I already had in my refrigerator as snacks for the kids!
Super cheap pie recipe! Super easy to make!

Below is a photo of the pie that I made today, which was a complete hit with my hubby and kids!
Next time as an added touch I will put cool whip on top with the fruit before I serve it!

I hope that this recipe is a blessing to someone today! 

Hebrews 13:16
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.


  1. love this post thanks for sharing loves from holland...soraya

  2. Hi Victoria - please email me at tiffany (at) thenesteffect.com so that I can send you the Gymboree coupon code. I can't find your email address anywhere. Thanks!


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