Month of Thanks: Days 22-30!

Gonna catch up and finish up the month of November, Month of Thanks Series!

Day 22: I'm thankful for the thorns. Read THIS!  I was convicted to share this with a very good friend of mine and I pray that you will find as much appreciation of that story as I have!

Day 23: Thankful for my family and friends! I could have mentioned SO MANY names on this one, because when I stop and think about how many of you that I truly thank God for, I am overwhelmed! I've lost many things in my life, but one thing that I realize I haven't lost is family, and that includes the friends that I am speaking of. I love you all so very much...each person holds a special place in my life, and I do thank God each time I think of you! So if you get that feeling in your heart when you are reading this, you probably know that you are one of the people I am talking about! Thank you for being there for me, for putting up with me and for loving me no matter what! Philippians 1:3 "Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God."

Day 24: I'm thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without HIM, we would have nothing to be thankful for...all previous days would be filled with void instead of the many, many blessings that were named. I pray whole-heartily that many, many more people would come to know my Beloved feel what it feels like to commune with Him. To know the peace that only He can give when the waves are crashing all around our feeble ships. He makes each day worth living...nothing else could ever bring me the joy that I feel in my relationship with The One and Only! I pray everyone has (had) a great Thanksgiving, and that you get (or got) full on food and family!

Day 25: Thankful to be blessed with family members that are as crazy as me, to shop on Black Friday for hours on end and have a BLAST together! That is what family is for!!!

Day 26: being arts-n-crafty! I don't have much time between my family and work to indulge my creative side very often...but I sure do enjoy it when I do! Decorating my home for Christmas is such a treat! And making a new recipe every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas is joy to me! I'm thankful God gave me a creative-imaginative bone in my body!

Day 27: Thankful that on sick days like today, there is nothing better than my comfy couch and pjs, lights low and my hubby to pick up pizza so I don't have to cook! :)

Day 28: I'm thankful for Facebook (not always, but today)...I get to see pictures of my nieces and my sisters and my brother that I would otherwise probably never see. It allows me to watch them grow up in a way. It allows me to stay in touch with friends from my childhood, friends that I don't see often...And I can share my life with them too...and most of all, I can shine my light for Jesus!!!

Day 29: I'm thankful for lemon cookies from Cross Creek Sandwich Shop in Conway AR! O.M.G. Gooey, lemony, yummy, goodness!

Day 30: I'm thankful for this challenge: for the daily reminder to seek out the blessings in my life, no matter how big or small. Each day in itself is a blessing to be thankful for. We are not promised another day....we aren't even promised another beat of our heart, another single inhale or exhale. Think about thankful for everything: the good, the bad, the in between!

It is all to HIS glory! 


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