Month of Thanks: Days 7, 8 &9

Day 7 of giving thanks: I am so thankful for my husband-the man God gave to me, to be complete and unified with. Josh Milam. We have been together 7 years, and each day I fall more and more in love with him. He works so hard to provide for our family, and he balances my craziness and worrying ways! He is a wonderful husband to me, and the best daddy to our beautiful children.  I don't know where I would be without him. I love him more than he will ever know!

Day 8 of giving thanks: Our sponsored child, Uwimpuhwe Oliva from Rwanda. We received a letter from her 2 days ago, and it is always so exciting to open it and read her sweet words. She loves to go to school and she keeps a journal to record Bible verses that she learns. I thank God for the opportunity to help her through sponsorship and the great privilege of getting to know her! (I'm thankful that wonderful husband of mine that I mentioned on day 7 was moved by God at the Love Worth Fighting For event to begin sponsoring a child)

Day 9 of giving thanks: My job; I am so blessed to have a place to work, with good benefits, good people, and a place where I can study my Bible at lunch and profess my faith openly without fear of discrimination. We have a little family within our department and I am just so glad to be a part of it.
An example is this photo: Our youngest, Colby is going through chemo and has lost his hair; so our guys all shaved their heads in honor and support of him and his journey. Now that is family!


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