SSMTC! Houston Bound!

Two days before I will be in Houston TX for the Siesta Scripture Memory Team Celebration (aka SSMTC)!


I will be accompanied by one of my best friends, Cara, and we will be road-tripping! We did this in December 2010 to a Living Proof Live Conference in Birmingham, and had a blast! 
I'm sure this time will be just as much fun and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us on this trip!
We plan to leave very early Friday morning and (hopefully) be in Houston to check in to our hotel by 3pm. The doors open at 6 pm, so we will enjoy about an hour at the hotel, getting ready, fixing our hair, etc. And then head to eat, and be back to the church around 5:15/5:30 to get in line!

On Saturday the conference is from 8-12 and afterwards, we are grabbing lunch and then going to check out the Texas Art Asylum before hitting the road again to head home! 
Whether it is lunch Saturday or dinner Friday, we plan to try Pappasito's! We both love Mexican food and when we went to Birmingham we made it a point to find a local restaurant and enjoy! It is kind of becoming a tradition for us on road-trips! 

The drive up there will be filled with us quizzing each other on our memory verses! It will be a great 8 hours worth of practice! 

Anyways, I know this post does not pertain to anything at all important to anyone else, but I just wanted to share my enthusiasm and just say how big of an impact memorizing scripture has had in my life.

I have begun to memorize scripture with my 5 year old daughter and it is such a blessing for me, and I know she so enjoys it too! And it will help equip her in the future for the many valleys that we as adults are very aware of; So please take time out of your life to sit in His Word and drink it up...keep it in your heart so that at any given moment, you will be prepared to spiritually battle with the enemy.

And most of all, He wrote it...He breathed it. As a blogger, when I know or see that people are reading what I post, it gives me a feeling like "wow, someone does care."...I can only imagine how awesome God feels when His children sit and encounter Him in His Word....when they glorify Him by obeying and hiding His Truths and Promises in our hearts, so that we can share Him with the world! Let's honor Him in this way! It is something that I believe everyone is equipped to do. Some of us can't give a lot of money, some can't go out and build homes for the weak and weary, some can't sing (beautifully) or speak great sermons: But we can all hide His Word, the Holy Bible, in our hearts and glorify Him just the same!

I love you, the one reading this, with the love that Christ has given to us all, and I pray that you are blessed and filled to the measure! Jesus loves you!

so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. 
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 
may have power, together with all the saints, 
to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—
that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:17-19 NIV

(If you don't mind praying for our travels this weekend and for the Holy Spirit to be glorified at this conference. Thanks)


  1. I am so proud of you for completing the whole year! I was a flunk-out!!! :( Hope you have a great time with your friend! And I love your thoughts on how God must feel when we are reading, memorizing, focusing on His Word. I have never thought about it that way! It's just beautiful!


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