Blog Tour for Author Marilynn Dawson

This November 2 & 3 is our church's ladies ministry's 2nd annual fall retreat. Much prayer led us to the theme or topic of The Bride of Christ. We have a small congregation so the planning of this event is in the hands of two women: myself and my pastor's wife. So we began the planning and preparation for the retreat.

I began looking for different ideas on Pinterest and created a Pinterest board dedicated to the retreat and named it "Bride of Christ". This is a very intimidating and serious subject and so we have not been taking it lightly at all. Our retreat consists of 3 "Sessions" and we had already figured out what #1 would be and #2 would be taken care of by our guest speaker. We were kind of stumped as to what to do about session we just kept praying...

On September 22 I received an e-mail from a lady by the name of Marilynn Dawson. She just published a series called "Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey". Marilynn was searching on Google "Bride of Christ" and when she got to page 14, she found my Pinterest board which led her to my blog. 
And then she asked me if I would like to guest post about an excerpt from her series as a part of her book's blog tour!

I don't know about anyone else, but I think that was all a God thing! I didn't even know if anyone read my blog, let alone would want me to guest blog about their book! 
Okay, so the best part is that after she gave me the excerpt on October 4th, that I would be posting about, I shared it with Dianne (my pastor's wife) the next night and the Holy Spirit confirmed in both of us what the 3rd session of our retreat would be! We received even more confirmation through scripture as we continued our meeting that night. 

The Holy Spirit leads in such amazing ways! 

So, I would like to present the schedule for Marilynn Dawson's Book Blog Tour so that you can follow along! I am very excited and honored to be a part of this experience. 

Over the next six weeks, we are going to be part of a blog tour by Author Marilynn Dawson, who has written the new series, "Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey". There are six volumes in her series as well as a Leader's Guide. The first stop in her tour will be on October 11th:

Volume One: Exert - The Prince of Peace Rides In
The Day The World Retreated

Subsequent stops will be as follows, notice the bold entry where we will host an excerpt from one of the volumes in Marilynn's series:

October 11th, Volume One: Excerpt - The Prince of Peace Rides In
Jim Armstrong: The Day The World Retreated

October 18th, Volume Two: Excerpt - The Fire of God's Love
Pamela Rose Williams Christianity Every Day

October 25th, Volume Three: Excerpt - Psalm 27
Leslie Jenkins: From a Daughter

November 1st, Volume Four: Excerpt - Psalm 30
Victoria Milam: Seeking Peace in a Storm

November 8th, Volume Five: Excerpt - Lifter of my Head
Jeannie Pallett:

November 16th, Volume Six: Excerpt - Opening Story Segment
Michelle Nickels: Traveler Gal

Do you desire to go deeper in your relationship with God? Have you ever felt the sting of dreams dying? Have you ever felt as if God couldn't use you anymore? This series is for you! Be sure to catch all six stops in Marilynn's book tour! You can get more information from her official page on Facebook at: This series may be purchased from

There will also be a giveaway at each blog stop: a free PDF of that week's featured volume. Each volume will only be available between the post date and the next blog stop's post date. 
The link will be the same each week, but the content will change: 

Enjoy the blog tour! I know I will! 


  1. I just read this post, Victoria, and I am thrilled at how God chose to use my series in confirming plans for your retreat! I look forward to November 1st and pray it blesses your readers as much as seeing this testimony blessed me. May many women be impacted at your retreat that weekend.



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