All I Need
Very short blog post today, but what a message! This song was my worship time this morning on my way to work. I woke up a little bit late, so I had to rush into getting ready for work and ended up skipping my quiet time, other than prayer while doing my hair and makeup :) This song came on the radio as I was driving. I turned up the volume and sang at the top of my lungs. I am in awe of how faithful and wonderful the Lord is. With one hand lifted and the other on the steering wheel, I communed with God singing the words below....most importantly, "You're more than enough for me. Jesus, You're all I need." Can you feel His presence today in your life? Can you see His glory everywhere you look? I don't need all of the riches of this world or high status...I only need Him. I only want Him! Give Him your worship today. Don't worship this world and it's deceiving modern day idols... Jesus alone is deserving of our everything! You hold my every moment ...