
Showing posts from October, 2012

Blog Tour for Author Marilynn Dawson

This November 2 & 3 is our church's ladies ministry's 2nd annual fall retreat. Much prayer led us to the theme or topic of The Bride of Christ. We have a small congregation so the planning of this event is in the hands of two women: myself and my pastor's wife. So we began the planning and preparation for the retreat. I began looking for different ideas on Pinterest and created a Pinterest board dedicated to the retreat and named it "Bride of Christ". This is a very intimidating and serious subject and so we have not been taking it lightly at all. Our retreat consists of 3 "Sessions" and we had already figured out what #1 would be and #2 would be taken care of by our guest speaker. We were kind of stumped as to what to do about session we just kept praying... On September 22 I received an e-mail from a lady by the name of Marilynn Dawson. She just published a series called "Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey"....