From Now until Easter...
I have always heard the word "lent" and never thought much of it. I heard it was a time of fasting for Catholics, and honestly, that is about it. Until today: I got the urge to Google "Lent" and even "Lent for Baptists" (because I grew up Baptist and my home church is Baptist). I came across some very interesting information...very convicting...very stimulating...very challenging! My first question was, what exactly is Lent? Lent is a Christian Festival. In the past it was a long, strict religious fast when people gave up all rich food. Lent is the time when Christians prepare for the greatest of the Christian festivals known as Easter, by thinking of things they have done wrong. It was a time for spring-cleaning lives, as well as homes. I like that thought: SPRING-CLEANING LIVES Lent began this year on February 22nd, which was Ash Wednesday and it will end on Easter, April 8th. Lent lasts 40 days, excluding Sundays. 40 days; like Jesus spe...